Everyone needs a little Magick in their life.

A Simple "Smoke" Ritual To Clear Your Path To Prosperity

Financial troubles are some of the most stressful and anxiety-provoking problems a person can have.

It's so hard not to worry -- and sometimes even panic as the bills pile up and you wonder how on earth you are going to pay them.

So many people these days are in the heat of money worries. It's no wonder that the second most common type of question I get (just behind "matters of the heart") are how to perform spells to attract prosperity.

It makes sense.

The United States (along with the rest of the world) is in the depths of a recession we haven't seen since the Great Depression of the 1920's. (Though things are starting to get better, many are still having financial

Some of the emails I get from my new students are truly heartbreaking. Good people... struggling to make
ends meet.

So many people in this world are hurting. You are NOT alone... and today is the beginning of the end of any financial issues you may be having.

This spell works best if you are genuinely worried about your financial situation.

If you perform the steps below, the spell will "clear a path" for prosperity to enter your life.

I highly recommend doing this powerful spell FIRST before trying any other types of prosperity spells.

I promise, you'll breathe much easier after doing this spell... and you'll sleep stress free as well knowing that prosperity will find you soon.

This will make every prosperity spell you cast work much, much better as well.

Here it is:

Rose Ariadne's "Prosperity Smoke" Spell

Here's what will happen once you cast the spell:

This spell will "charge" smoke with prosperity attracting energy, and release it into the universe... with the power to helip stabilize your financial situation.

Don't be surprised if you begin to easily "find" the prosperity you need to live more comfortable... without having to constantly worry about finances. It will come from very unexpected places... :)

What you'll need:

Brown sugar

Ground cinnamon

Small bowl

Ground coffee (optional)

Garlic chives (optional)

Carnation petals (optional)

Powdered sugar (optional)

Cherry blossoms (optional)

STEP 1: Combine brown sugar, ground cinnamon, and ground coffee in a small bowl.

STEP 2: Add powdered sugar, carnation petals, garlic chives, and cherry blossoms if possible. (If cherry blossoms are unavailable, try apple blossoms, or the blossoms of any flowering fruit tree. ) If you can't find all of these things that's OK... the more you can add, however, the better.

STEP 3: Grind all the ingredients together. (I like to use a mortar and pestle, but you can use a spoon, or even a small rock if you like.)

STEP 4: Burn it outside your front door to release wealth attracting smoke.

STEP 5: Leave the ashes alone for 24 hours to radiate their power... then dispose of them in the outdoors or in living, running water.

(QUICK NOTE: Would you like to attract more prosperity, luck, and love into your life with my simple step-by-step spells you can cast in secret while doing common household chores... using items you already have in your home? Discover how simple this actually is, when you have a good teacher who really cares...)

This is a silent spell...you don't need to say anything. Just think about the desire you have to be "comfortable" with your finances.

Then let the energy in the smoke do the rest.

And always remember... whether you are struggling or not -- I'll always be here for you.

I know there are many beautiful days ahead of you, though it may not always seem like it on those dark and dreary nights. Relax...do this simple spell - then come back to me for more. :)

Brightest Blessings,

Rose Ariadne

Your Warm And Caring "Resident Witch In Charge"

Important Disclaimer: Spell casting is more art than science... and even the most gifted Magickal Practitioner will not be successful every time. The spells, rituals, and techniques listed on this site are for entertainment purposes only. You may not get the intended results of any spell, ritual, or technique on this site.