Everyone needs a little Magick in their life.

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Dear "Magick Seeker",

My name is Rose Ariadne, and I've been guiding thousands of my students all over the world through a beautiful Magickal journey since 2006.

My Grandmother was born into a very “mystical” family… and she began practicing the Magickal arts when she was just a child.

Tarot… divination… meditation… and various spell casting practices covering many old traditions.

She “sensed” I had special gifts… the same way I sense those same special gifts in you based on the results of your Magick Ability test.

In the strangest of ways, my grandmother helped me learn to USE these gifts to create dramatic, positive changes in my life.

She did NOT do this by teaching me complicated Magick spells with all sorts of strange, hard-to-find ingredients.


...she showed me how to turn a few simple household chores into powerful little rituals that changed my life forever… in wonderful, countless ways.

The most important change was whisking away most of my problems by lighting a path to prosperity.

Constant worry is a thing of the distant past… and I greet every new day with a smile because I am truly happy and fulfilled.

So, how did a few simple household chores help me attract prosperity so quickly?

The answer can be found in a movie called "The Karate Kid"…

While I don't do martial arts myself, one of my favorite movies of all time is "The Karate Kid".

The simple household chores I'm about to show you are just Magickal versions of the chores Mr. Miyagi (the old Karate master), had Daniel do in that movie.

Mr. Miyagi did not show Daniel complex karate moves that took years to master.

Instead, he gave Daniel simple chores to complete… "Paint The Fence"… "Paint The House"… "Wax On… Wax Off"… and "Sand The Floor".

And in each of these he embedded a very important basic Karate lesson.

It was those simple basics that allowed Daniel to win the tournament against older, stronger, and more experienced opponents.

He even "got the girl" in the end.

It was a similar experience with my grandmother's "Simple Household Chore" spells she showed me in times of my greatest need.

I didn't even know I was doing "Magick"…and neither did anybody else.

It wasn't until the pain and heart-break was quickly replaced by "true love" that I realized what my Grandma had done.

Let's see what happens when you do these same simple chores…turned into little spells.

Today, I'm giving you a chance to see what you can do with your special gifts...

… I've chosen 3 Magickal little household chores just for you…

These are same ones that turned everything around for me in my life at different times and in different ways.

All 3 are so simple…yet so powerful.

I'll show you exactly what each one does in just a minute.

(HINT: The first one you'll start with is designed to attract prosperity into your life over the next several days and weeks.)

But first…

Do These Simple "Household Chore" Spells Really Work?

First let's consider how Magick itself actually works…

There are 3 main things that cause any spell or ritual to bring results… your BELIEF… your DESIRE… and your SUBCONCIOUS.

This goes beyond your brain…to a far deeper place inside of you.

Deeper than logic…deeper than thought… and deeper than the world you can "see" with your eyes.

In the same way your "intuition" and "gut feelings" sometimes give you information about things you cannot see… (like those moments you instantly "know" who it is when your phone or doorbell rings…)

You can also tap into your subconscious… your intuition… and WILL future events to occur.

Yes, this means you can use the gifts you were given to create a better future, starting tomorrow.

How do you do this?

First, you must "allow" yourself to believe in your abilities fully and completely.

(The high scores you got on your Magick Ability Test will help with this immediately…)

Second, you must have a deep emotional desire that you feel intensely.

Whether it is the deep pain of love lost… or the deep desire for finding your soul mate… you've got to feel the pain or the desire intensely.

Finally, you've got to send the pain, or the desire, out into the universe through your subconscious during one of these Magickal household chores.

And you shouldn't just do them once.

You'll pick 1 or 2 of these Magickal household chores (or all 3 if you wish) and do them DAILY or WEEKLY… which is another reason they are so powerful.

Plus these little household chores are so easy to do.

In fact, you do them all the time anyway…

I'm just going to show you how to turn them into amazing little spells.

All you need is your belief, your desire, and your subconscious.

No hard-to-find "weird" ingredients or complicated steps.

There's no better way to see for yourself what you can really do with your Magick abilities than try these 3 amazing little household spells.

Please understand that I only do this for people who have shown some Magickal ability on the test.

I believe in you, and I want to give you a chance to see the true power of your gifts by doing these simple household spells like I did.

That's why I'm making them available to you today…

I've put together this beautifully illustrated, step-by-step eBook, that contains the simplest, most powerful little household spells my grandmother showed me long ago.

One of my favorites is included, and it's perfect for your specific situation right now based on your Magick Ability Score…

4 of the 7 simple ingredients in this one are already in your kitchen… then all you need is a small flower pot, some soil, and some flower seeds.

These are all very easy to get if you don't already have them.

Then, you'll perform 6 simple steps you can do in under 10 minutes... and the results can be absolutely wonderful!

This little spell uses your deep connection with Magick to tap into the power of nature and release a prosperity-attracting energy into the universe.

This is the ritual that "keeps on giving" because it can continue attracting prosperity into your life as long as you "keep it alive".

(Hint, hint...)

As you follow the steps, you'll be "charging" the ingredients with your specific desires.

Whether you are financially-strapped or just want a new job, this ritual makes the path clear and can help attract the answers you seek.

It will only take you 15 minutes, tops.

Plus, there's a bonus step that will give this one an extra love attracting boost.

It's something you can find at any grocery store that you can sprinkle into the wash…

The beauty of this ritual is that it tries to bring you exactly what you need most in your life right now.

Whether that is to bring back a lost love… attract a new love… or attract multiple new "love prospects".

This one can solve a LOT of problems in your life whether you knew the problems existed or not.

You see, bad luck is nothing more than negative energy…and negative energy can be the source of any pain, sadness, heartbreak, and desperation in your life.

In fact, negative energy could be the ONLY thing that is preventing you from living the life you truly desire.

Now it's time to wash it all away… start with a clean slate… drain away any negativity and replace it with positive feelings and beliefs that can change everything for you.

You already do this "chore" every single day
with a bar of soap and a washcloth.

The only other thing you'll need is a green candle.

Next, you'll follow 5 simple steps you can do in 5 minutes.

This will release a cleansing energy inside of you… around you…and into the universe.

Then your future can be free of bad luck and negative energy… the things that may have been holding you back for years.

IMPORTANT TIP: I highly recommend you do this little ritual FIRST… "clearing a path" for the other little household spells to bring you the results you desire.

"But How Soon Can I Get Results… And How Will I Know These Little Spells Are Even Working?"

These are questions I get all the time… and I've got the "perfect" answer for you.

You see, there is one more special little surprise I've placed inside your "3 Amazing Spells" eBook… and it's something I know you will LOVE…

It's called…

Just follow 5 simple steps to set this up before doing any of the little spells, and it will actually indicate your chances for success.

If you get a negative signal, you know you'll need to continue doing the spell every week (or every day) until you get a positive signal.

IMPORTANT: Even after you get a positive signal, I highly recommend you continue doing the spell every week for best results…

All you need to setup your Super-Sensing Magickal Success Indicator is 1 tea light, 1 cooking pot, some water, and either 2 tabs of alka seltzer or 2 pieces of dry ice.

It is amazingly accurate, and will also boost your own belief in your Magick abilities. (This is one of the "Magick Keys" that will help everything work so much better… a strong belief.)

There's nothing else like these 3 Amazing Little Household Spells and Your Magickal Success Indicator… anywhere.

And if you want to see for yourself what you can do with the gifts you were given… if you can use them to attract love, prosperity and happiness… all by doing a few simple household chores you do every day anyway… there is no better time to try than right now.

In fact, you could be doing the first little household spell just minutes after signing up.

Before I show you how to get everything… there's more.

I'm going to send you another special Magickal gift today…

This small and slick little software program installs in about 5 seconds on your PC or MAC computer.

You can also open it on any mobile device as well.

Consider it your very own personal log of simple little rituals and spells.

Not only does it contain all 3 of the Amazing Household Spells in your eBook for quick reference, but I've also included 3 additional special and powerful little household spells inside…

Here they are:

  • "The Magickal Zephyr Of Lost Lover Return" (if you're suffering heart-break but feel "it's not over yet…there's still a chance!" this one is for you. All you need is a window, some Windex, and an old newspaper to help coax a lost love back into your life…)

  • "2 Cups For Improving Your Health And Feeling GREAT" (all you'll need is 2 large cups, water, 1 pencil, 1 piece of tape, and 1 large piece of paper. Spend just 5 minutes doing this simple ritual every day as an aid in improving your health… and feeling better than ever!)

  • "Wipe Away Your Dust AND Your Debts" (grab a dust cloth, furniture polish, a black ink pen, paper, 1 purple candle, and a dusty piece of furniture… then do this simple ritual in just minutes. It will present multiple ideas that can help get rid of your debts in the coming days and weeks…)

And that's not all this amazing little software tool can do.

Once you sign up to get everything, I will be sending you more simple little household spells and rituals over the coming weeks to your email address.

All you have to do is copy 'n' paste them into "My Little eKit of Household Rituals" and you'll have everything in ONE place…categorized and searchable for any desire or problem you'll ever have.

You'll get all of this inside "My Little eKit Of Household Rituals"… and...

I'll Give It To You FREE When You Sign Up To Get My "3 Amazing Spells For Attracting Prosperity, Love, And Happiness By Doing Simple Household Chores".

Just imagine how quickly your life could change when you use these amazing household spells to tap into the powerful Magick gifts you were born with.

Imagine how wonderful your life would be if the prosperity you so desperately desire and deserve was yours… complete security... and the ability to do the things you've always wanted to do.

The cost for all of this?

It's all yours for less than a coffee date at Starbucks.

Why so little?

You are my brand new student, and you trusted me enough to take my "Magick Ability Test".

As a "thank you" for your trust... and in my excitement over you scoring so well on the test, I only ask that you help cover my costs.

That includes artists, editors, programmers, and my wonderful "Magick Support Staff" ready to help you at a moment's notice.

Just $7, and everything is YOURS immediately for instant download.

There are websites online where you'll pay $10, $15… up to $100 for one single spell involving lots of hard-to-find ingredients… hard-to-follow steps… and no guidance or help at all.

I give you everything you need to tap into your natural gifts quickly and easily in the comfort of your own home.

All by doing simple household chores you do all the time anyway.

In fact, nobody would ever know you are doing Magick.

I know this all sounds wonderful… but how do you know I am real, and honest, and truly CARE about my students?

The only way to show you how real this is… and how my Magickal teachings continue to change lives around the world is to share a few comments I've recently received from my students…

By law, I have to tell you there is no guarantee you'll get results like what these students claim.

Please understand that Magick is more "art" than "science".

In fact, there's no "scientific evidence" that any of this works at all.

Scientists have a big "problem" with Magick in any form.

I also have to tell you that all of my little household spells are for entertainment purposes only... and it's possible you won't get the specific results you are looking for.

Once in awhile I do get an email with someone complaining that "nothing happened" after doing these spells.

I believe everyone has a different connection with Magick… and because of this, your results may vary.

So, just in case you feel you are not getting the results you desire, you are protected with my famous...

1-Year 100% "Magickal Money Back Guarantee"… With A Special Twist!

If you are unsatisfied with your "3 Amazing Spells for Attracting Prosperity, Love, and Happiness by Doing Simple Household Chores" Kit in any way … or you don't get the results you are looking for… just send a quick email to my friendly Magickal support staff asking for your money back within 1-year after your order.

They will issue you an immediate refund of every penny.

And here's the special twist… I'll let you keep everything anyway!

Yes, you read this correctly.

As a thank you for your time, trust, and belief in these powerful little spells, I'll let you keep it even if you request a refund.

You'll also keep "My Little eKIT of Household Rituals" no matter what.

If you want a refund for any reason (or no reason), just send an email to my support staff within 1-year after your order…and they'll issue you a refund on the spot, with no questions asked… and you get to keep EVERYTHING anyway.

"This is more than a money-back guarantee.
It's my personal promise to you.

Rose Ariadne
Your Warm And Caring "Resident Witch In Charge"

I'm doing this to show you how much I care about you… and to make it easy for you to say "yes" to these very unique and special Magickal items today.

Not everyone who goes through my "Magickal Ability Test" is given a chance to receive the "3 Amazing Spells" eBook and "My Little eKit Of Household Rituals"… only those who show a natural gift for Magick.

You're only seeing this because your gift is special and pure.

This won't be available for very long.

It's a temporary offer, just for you... and it's only valid for 3 days AFTER you completed the Magick Ability Test.

In fact, this may be the last time you see it.

You either believe in your gifts, or you do not.

You either WANT to take this step with me right now… or you do not.

But I am very curious to see what you can REALLY do with your Magick gifts… aren't you?

You can find out… all for less than the cost of a coffee date Starbucks.

When you click it you'll be sent to a simple secure order form hosted by one of the Internet's leading secure order processors – 1ShoppingCart.com.

Just fill out your first name, last name, email address, billing address, city, state, zip code, and then either enter your credit card information, or select the PayPal tab to process your $7 payment.

Once your payment goes through, your payment information will be deleted from the system.

You'll immediately be sent to a short tutorial… and then on to an instant download page welcoming you as my newest student.

You'll be able to download and use everything right away by following the simple step-by-step instructions.

I've also included some special instructions for you if you're using a mobile device.

It's all so quick and easy for you…from the ordering process, to performing the simple household spells… to the amazing results you'll attract into your life with your Magickal gifts.

The fact you've stayed with me until the end of this video proves to me that you believe…and it proves to me your heart wants this.

Do what you feel… say "YES" now and never look back.

I'll see you on the other side.

Just click the orange button below to get started now.

Have a Magickal Day!

Brightest Blessings,

Your Warm And Caring "Resident Witch In Charge"

P.S. Remember this will only be available to you for a short time.

It's my way of finding the very best students with the strongest Magickal abilities.

If you are unsure, or you don't really "believe" in your heart, then maybe this isn't for you…and that is OK.

I only want the best for you.

But if there's something inside of you that believes… if there is something inside of you that is drawing you to Magick… then take that step with me right now.

P.P.S. You'll get immediate access to my "3 Amazing Spells" for attracting prosperity, love, and happiness by doing simple household chores… and you'll get immediate access to "My Little eKit Of Household Rituals".

It's just $7 for everything… (less than the cost of a coffee date at Starbucks…)

P.P.P.S. Don't forget that your protected with my famous 100% "Magickal Money Back Guarantee" as well.

You LOVE It… or it's free.

If you aren't satisfied in any way, just send an email to my Magickal support staff asking for a refund.

They will issue you a full refund immediately… and you'll get to keep everything anyway.

No questions asked.

It's as simple as that.

Go ahead and click the orange button below to begin a new Magick journey with me now…

Important Disclaimer: Spell casting is more art than science... and even the most gifted Magickal Practitioner will not be successful every time. The spells, rituals, and techniques listed on this site are for entertainment purposes only. You may not get the intended results of any spell, ritual, or technique on this site.